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Old 01-23-2011, 03:40 AM
tparsons tparsons is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 289
tparsons is on a distinguished road

There is a couple different ways to mount the Reefbrite LEDs on Tek fixtures.

1) You can screw them into the side of your Tek fixture with self-tapping screws.
2) take the endcaps off your Tek, mark the holes, drill holes in the Tek, and then
a) use some nuts and bolts to attach the LED strips
b) use a rivet to hold them in place

Otherwise, Reef Brite has actually made a mounting bracket with 3 or 5 holes, if you are just mounting the strips and not attaching them to anything else.

As for Par, independent testing is showing anywhere between 2-4 times the PAR output of T5 lighting. We have heard 2 x the output of the ATI Blue Plus running in the ATI powermodule, but we have also heard of up to 4 x the output of other T5's running in other fixtures.
I am sure age of the T5 lamps as well the type of fixture they are running in , accounts for these large discrepencies. However, at a minimum of 2 x the output, it is still really good.

We run one of our LPS coral beds exclusively with a mix of the ReefBrite 50/50's and actinic and we have been seeing some great colouration and growth over the past few months.

Lots of discussion on these lights in this thread;