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Old 01-04-2011, 04:07 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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intarsiabox is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
That's a pretty unsubstantiated claim considering a working prototype was displayed at Interzoo. To the best of my knowledge, it would seem highly improbable/impossible to have thousands of individuals touch and physically manipulate a CAD-based object at a trade show short of... MAGIC. So unless you're suggesting that MAGIC happened, I'd back up your statement with something outside of a biased opinion.

The Cerebra is completely different from traditional controller systems. It is an app-based device, and much like what the iPhone did to the mobile industry, the Cerebra will set the stage for a new level of user functionality and interactivity. What other controller will be seamlessly plug & play for any and all devices/apps. What other controller will prominently feature Android-based app building function? How many controllers are still limited by their 8-bit CPU?

Cross your t's and dot your i's buddy.

Sorry to the OP for derailing the thread.
Wow, somebody fell out of bed this morning. Thanks for the un-biased post though.
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