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Old 12-29-2010, 05:10 PM
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StirCrazy StirCrazy is offline
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Originally Posted by sweet ride View Post
grab the canon 100mm macro. You cant go wrong with that lens.

here is a link to a few pictures I've taken.
guessed you missed the "not wanting to spend to much" part it is a sweet lense but at 1000.00 plus or 600 on e-bay I think it isn';t what he is looking for.

Adam, I have had my eos for a while no and still have no bought any other lense for it as while ther world of DLSR is great, the price of the lense is not.

what I will sugest is you go into a camera shop and look for 58mm closeup lense's they should run about 15.00 to 30.00 bucks each and range from +2 to +10. with these you don't get realy close they just kinda zoom the subject for ya. these are what I used when I took most of my pictures years ago with my fuji. I still have a tone of filters but my fuji is a 52mm mount where our cannons are a 58mm mount.

the 600 to 1000 buck macro lense does do a better job but for internet posting and normal pictures you won't notice the difference.

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