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Old 12-28-2010, 05:13 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
250 watt MH will use slightly more than 250 watt T5 if both are electronic ballasts, if the MH is a magnetic ballasts then the MH will draw between 300 and 400 watts.

as comented above about 200ish watts of T5 being the same as 500 wats of MH, I almost rolled on the floor laughing. there not even close. yes visualy they will apear simmular if they are on different tanks, except the T5 tank will have no shimmer and look flat, as far a PAR goes you cannot get enough T5's on a tank to equal the PAR of a good 250 watt set up.


I'm still having trouble trying to find where someone said 200w of t5's are the same as 500w of halides if it's in regards to my comment I said they can light the same tank not use the same power or par, but then again I'm still on my morning coffee maybe I'm missing something lol
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