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Old 12-15-2010, 01:27 AM
purelife purelife is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 50
purelife is on a distinguished road

Can someone else test this to make sure I'm not crazy?
First if your unit is hung like mine what you will see standing in front of the unit the power cord is to your right hand and the display is to your left.

Select light composer(on the physical light) and turn down all 3 colors to 0%
Next turn Blue on to 1% take note of where the LEDS are
Next turn on Royal Blue to 1% take note of where the LEDS are

Now if you have VLink go to compose color and do the same
Turn blue on to 1% take note
Turn Royal on to 1% take note

What i found is that when i turn Royal on 1% on the software its actually turning on the Blue lights. The blue LEDS should be on the back of the pods if you are facing it and it is hung like mine.

I wonder if its a bug in the software or just my unit
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