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Old 12-13-2010, 04:29 AM
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zum14 zum14 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Prince George
Posts: 420
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So its a little cloudy still but I got pretty close to what i was shooting for with the rocks today, got one crab and one large bristle worm out, i went over every rock with a fine tooth comb and had to club soda one or two to get the buggers out but hopefully I dealt with the problem. Ill keep a close eye on it still. I didnt end up securing with zip ties or epoxy as I just used a hammer and chisel and made the rocks shaped how I wanted so they would fit together well. Ill get better pics when the waters clear and I have some lights above them.

View from the kitchen into the living room.

Front view. I was able to utilize the cave in this rock.

View from the living room towards the kitchen

Im pretty happy with the shelves and nooks I was able to get for lots of corals to be stuck into, also I seem to have been able to create a bunch of different lighting areas. Ill have to re evaluate when I get a proper light on the tank for that though. I dont think the wife is too happy with the skimmer air intake noise so the stand may get skinned sooner rather then later. Dont bother me much. Only problem im having now is I should of done one more baffle....microbubbles from the skimmer outlet. Going to have to come up with a solution for that and the skimmer pump may need some foam or something below it for a bit of noise dampening. I saw one article on a guy that used a certain foam on the edge of some baffling and was able to just push the baffle in place and the foam wedged it in there, had to be a certain foam to do it. Might work for both problems..... hmmm.
"I think were doomed."

"Nah, unless they got any big, giant robot camels I think were ok."

"Ah.....Jim.......robot camels"
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