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Old 12-10-2010, 07:02 PM
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Default hippo tang attacking a niger trigger

Well my niger trigger is a big pussy and my 2" hippo tang is bullying it and trying to smash it with its tail.

It's not a lot of aggression but if the trigger goes in the open then the hippo try to go beside it and smash it from time to time. I cought the hippo trying to go on the spot where the trigger hide so it was obvious he was looking for the trigger as he never went in that area of the tank before and he's been there for a month.

I added the trigger after quarantine about 3 days ago. At first the hippo was a little afraid of the trigger but he seem to be getting more bold since the trigger is a big softy.

Should I be worried that a 2" hippo will do harm to a 4" niger triggerfish? Or will the niger become bold enough to push off the hippo with time?

They are both babies for now but the trigger's body is about the same size as the whole hippo tang with tail. I though hippo tang were peacefull??? and trigger fish aggressive??? what the heck??
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