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Old 12-02-2010, 02:32 AM
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Argentiner Argentiner is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: N.W. Calgary
Posts: 146
Argentiner is on a distinguished road

I've never seen a stylo that's that big John. It was maybe a foot long, which is small for a reef.

The diving in the great barrier reef was good, but didn't compare with what I saw in Indonesia. Not nearly as many fish, coral wasn't even close and I never saw any "critters" which you would find everywhere in Indonesia. Maybe it was better farther North, where I didn't have time to go as it's only liveaboards but I also heard other divers say in Indonesia they thought it was better off North-east Borneo than where I went. The 30 or more divers on our boat kind of put me off a bit too. Don't get me wrong though, I had a good time diving. I was kind of looking for that orange spotted filefish and couldn't believe it when I found a pair of them eating in an acro. Would be a fantastic place to live for sure. The country around Cairns was REALLY nice.
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