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Old 11-23-2010, 02:05 AM
rawest rawest is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: hamilton ontario
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rawest is on a distinguished road

yea its been done long as there is enough food to eat. theres an article i found where buddy had one sucessfully for a few years before he got asked to wirte an artical for a reef mag. my concern is with keeping other fish and crab that eat pods too. there will be compition and my pods will be demolished. there are fish that'll eat pellet flake and blood worms. but going over page after page of different care sheets and compairing each is starting to get a little rough on the eyes. it'd be great if an individual would give me directiong on tank mates.
in the artical there were referense on other articles with links on being able to wein the dragonettes onto blood worms as a supplement. and the dragonette taking on tendancies of its tank mates. plus it gave other tips like picking lr that is porus with lots of surface area and arranging a spot where pods can live and breed without fish having access to this area. buried in the back. and he was injecting pods into a ten gal every couple of days. towards the end of the article the mandarin was eating frozeen mysis as well. there will have to be a lot of thought and research and its deffinatly not happening tomorrow so i have time to gather materials to culture pods to get that started when the live sand and rock are added right now its just tanks on my floor and an idea. but i knew i was going to get people saying not to do it. maybe culturing pods on such a scale to house a mandarin could be a lot of work if its just one nano. these are things i dont really know about i have an idea but in reality its easier said then done. and it always looks better on paper and in theory.
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