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Old 11-22-2010, 12:21 AM
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KennyKen KennyKen is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Mississauga
Posts: 181
KennyKen is on a distinguished road
Default Again. What now.

Now im really stumped.
I have been having all sorts of issues with certain levels or the past few months including Maintaining ALK and Mg levels, which was ultimately leading to the demise of some zoos and clams.

SO-Flash forward to last week, everything was kosher as far as i was concerened until i noticed my acans shrunk in.....and my carnation coral 1/10 of its size...
Zoo's closing up again,
Chalice's Melting
Clams dying


pH 8.2
kH 9
Ca 375
Nitrates 0
salinity 1.025
phosphates 0
Mg 1400

I went out last night, came home this after noon and my favorite chalice was literally HALF melted off, in 12 hours, and my favorite clam dead.

Now i have a fractured skull from banging my head against the wall.
(not really, but you get the point)

I turned off my phosphate reactor, and am switching to bio bellets this week...
other than that i have no idea.
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