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Old 11-21-2010, 09:08 PM
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Siderjan Siderjan is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Tillsonburg, Ont. Canada
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Siderjan is on a distinguished road
Default New Wife, New Life, and The tank I've always wanted! - Part 4

My Wife went to the lumber yard to pick up something didn't have a clue what she was getting. That's why I love and married her! An egg crate for the rock to sit on.

No egg crate.

First layer down.

Double layered to raise the rock over the trim. I hate trim but don't trust my building skills.

The mess from cutting it. Good thing I have a shop vac look a like.

I don't know if this counts towards my build but I was looking on Kijiji for some live rock cheap and I came across this setup for $200. Yes you read it right. $200. I had to call and make sure it wasn't a type-o but it was $200. Only problem was she was ahving someone come that night to look at it. Thinking it was going to be gone that night, I called the next morning to see if she still had it. My luck has never been so good as it has since I met my Wife, the guy never showed up. 2 days later it was sitting on basement floor. Being so close to Christmas I had to wait over a hour for my wife to come home to ask her if I could buy it. It was covered in algae as she had quit taking care of it. Since I'm going to use everything for my build except the tank, hob filter, and gravel, I'm going to post it.

The next pictures are what I purchased for $200.

Here's a word listing of everything I bought.

Here's a list of everything I purchased last night.
2 5gal pails with lids (1 labeled fresh & 1 labeled dirty)
Mag-Float Glass cleaner
Koralia 3 Power head - 850GPH
500g Kent Marine Supperbuffer -dKH
1/2 a 50 gallon bag Instant Ocean sea salt
Black Diamond Premium Active Carbon 1.87L minus an inch from the top
Emperor 280 Filter System w/ 4 active carbons
Vibra-Flo 1 Air Pump
Maxi-Jet Powerhead (In pieces so not sure the size or if it works)
SeaClone 100 Protein Skimmer + 3 filters (extra pump)
Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium 7 1/2" container never opened
Aquarium Systems sea test
45 - 50 lbs LR
55 Gallon Tank
4' 2 tube T5 light with 4 extra tubes T8 bulb that I have no use for
7 snails
3 hermit crabs
1 black and white clown
1 Red Spotted hawkfish
AquaClear 70 Fliter with 2 carbons
2" freshwater coloured gravel on the bottom of the tank
All the water. (except for what ended up all over my Mom's Jimmy) Sorry Mom!

Here's it covered in algae that I had to clean up.

My Wife and I really liked this guy so I did some research and we bought him. A 'Purple' Urchin. Too bad it's pink.

I need to purchase a return pump, sand and plumb it and a little more Live Rock and I can move everything to my build.
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