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Old 11-14-2010, 10:20 PM
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zenafish zenafish is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Mississauga, ON
Posts: 37
zenafish is on a distinguished road

they're great to feed any filter feeders such as corals and feather dusters. Not good for feeding dwarf seahorses or any creatures that requires live prey.

They changed the packaging, originally they say to use within one week of opening and now they say six. I don't trust it, so I keep mine in the fridge for the first week. Then I put the rest in the freezer afterwards. Put a bit of water into the jar, swirl and feeds off that layer. Then the jar goes right back into the freezer.
Miracles I do everyday, but if you want the impossible, then I'll need at least 48 hours

** Taking a break (per say) from the hobby, but keeping a selected few seahorses to show and tell. Bye bye fishroom and hello display tank :S
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