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Old 10-31-2010, 02:29 AM
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It would have worked in your case, and it could have sounded an alarm in the opposite situation and warn you that something was wrong before it was too late.

As for checking all your equipement, heaters can fail any moment, either getting stuck and frying the tank or failing and the tank gets to room temperature wich should not be too bad.

The worst scenario is what hapened to you and no checking is going to be fail safe, only a controler. In order for the checking method to work, you would have to check at least a few times per day.

The best fail safe is to have 2 heaters controled with a controler. If one fail than the other keep the temperature. Only thing that can go wrong then is a power failure

Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
i wont be buying a controller for this tank thanks its only a 30g and its ran for years plus a controller doesnt fix a broken heater it just tells if somethings wrong or turns it off or on .. in my case where it was to hot it would have been ok but if it was the opposite then a controller cant make your heater work....soooooo check all your equipment lol

fyi though i am going to be using a apex controller for my 200g i just wanted to make sure everyone is checking their equipment before winter

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