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Old 10-06-2010, 10:17 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Ya, I'm still pretty sure that's a A. formosa though the corallites are a little smaller than I'd expect. This might be because the picture is seeing more of the corallites that are underneath and on the sides of the branches. If the corallites facing the light are larger, then I'd say definitely A. formosa.

It also looks similar to A. youngei, A. Abrolhosensis and A. nobilis but I don't really think it's any of those.

Like I said, green, blue, purple and brown are the common colours for this stag. However, it is possible to find all sorts of wacky colourations depending on the environments they've been in. I've seen a purple one have one side go green from being contact with a green plating monti (this is called grafting)... so really, you just gotta look around if the other colours aren't your favs.
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