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Old 09-21-2010, 06:51 PM
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dbdavid dbdavid is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 104
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I had a PM asking what the disounts would be so I emeailed Brandon at BRS and here is his response:

"It varies from product to product. Some items are MAP priced from manufacturers and we have to honor those prices. Some items just don't have any markup, or are already on sale (like your plumbing fittings for example) so they won't either, but the majority of our products, especially BRS brand products, have anywhere from a 5-10% discount on them. If they join your group buy, they are not obligated to purchase anything, and if they don't it won't affect the other folks on the group buy."

Customer Care Manager
Bulk Reef Supply

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