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Old 09-13-2010, 06:43 PM
hillbillyreefer hillbillyreefer is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Central, AB
Posts: 471
hillbillyreefer is on a distinguished road

Banning things seems to be human nature. Every segment of the population has a certain thing they want to ban. In this case exotic pets. In other cases, meat, school prayer, hydrocarbon fuels, guns, abortion, nudity and on and on. It is the general population that needs to make their voices heard. If the small groups of banners do get their agenda passed it is almost impossible for you to take back your freedoms. A good example is the endless gun control debate, the anti's took away freedoms and it's been a 15 year fight to get those freedoms back. Never, ever give up your freedoms. Do everything in your power to fight City hall and the banners. In my experience a small group of well prepared presenters at a city council meeting can and will make a huge difference. The people on the ban side generally work off of emotions and not facts and rational. Fight back!!
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