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Old 09-13-2010, 03:54 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Kitimat BC
Posts: 352
skabooya is on a distinguished road

Im from Kitimat and people here have mixed feelings. Its a very Hot topic here. Some people are very against the pipeline and some people are all for it. Our town is dwindling and we have very few places to work. People are very desperate here. This pipeline would create jobs for people. This is one of the main arguments for the pipeline.
The argument against the pipeline is pretty obvious and is also taken to heart by many. Personally i see both sides of the story and understand them. I cant really pick a side although im leaning more towards the no. I love my town and i hate to see it falling apart. I grew up here and it used to be a fluorishing beautiful place. Now we have nothing but closures, no buisness want to open up here because of the lack of people (people leaving because there are no jobs. Major industrial companies have closed doors). Many people want to open their own buisnesses; me included. But the owners of the buildings are from other countries and wont sell and their rent is rediculious. Unless you have a franchise you will fail in this town. Franchise's dont want to come here because buisness will be bad. So once again, people with no jobs. There are a lot of issues here and because of that, the proposed pipeline promising jobs is uplifting to many. It is also a horror to many others.
Its an ongoing debate and we have many public meetings about it. Its a bit crazy here.
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