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Old 09-07-2010, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic View Post
Silicone is fine. The front pane completely cracked, in almost the exact same place as the original busted pane (this is a free CL tank that we rebuilt by replacing the front cracked pane with a sheet of expensive Starphire glass). I strongly suspect that there is some flaw in how the frame or the tank was originally manufactured that has caused it to crack in the same place & same way both times.
Soo sorry to hear about the tank. Bu I have to think it's the Stand, not the tank that caused teh crack twice. If you re-siliconed a new front pane on, then any internal stresses tnat may have been in the tank form a mis manufacture should have been eliminated with the new pane placememnt. Thus, leaving the stand to be suspect. Totally go through that stand to make sure it is not twisting under load. That can cause front pane to crack. Would hate to get a 3rd tank up there and happen again
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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