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Old 08-14-2010, 02:26 AM
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abcha0s abcha0s is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 545
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There are really only two possible reasons why this wouldn't be working.

1. Your code is wrong and the email alerts aren't being triggered. Please post your code so that we can review it.

2. The network settings are incorrect.

What smtp server are you using?
What ISP are you using?
What DNS server are you using?

If you compare the DNS server on the ACIII to the DNS configuration on you PC, do they match?

Can you take a screen shot of the email configuration options and post to the forum?

Please post more details so that we can help..


I assume that you are able to access the ACIII from the web? - This tells us that your IP address, netmask and default gateway are all set correctly.
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