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Old 08-06-2010, 04:52 PM
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reefermadness reefermadness is offline
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Originally Posted by Seamazter View Post
Because of this thread
" My employer wont pay me. Now what can I do? "
I thought mine would be fitting.
Here is the letter I am taking into the bank tomorrow, with unsigned civil suit papers.

I gave them 700$ paid some bills and was refused my direct debit as they took the money already with the overdraft, then tried again to take it but was 10$ short, because they already took it with the overdraft.
3 bills balance is 113.97
nsf reverse 126.86 due to insufficient funds.
account balance 240.82
nsf fee 42.50 balance is 198.32
It is a nice attempt and great if it works but if it doesnt in the end you might be better off to accept your losses, b*tch some people out and move on to another bank.

Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
i had a student loan from the bank (cibc)years ago i paid them out of an inheritance the amount owing was roughly 7000 it was divided into two loans.i wrote two checks from my bank(rbc) one for 4000 and one for 3000 and brought them to cibc and paid off my loans.i checked and the money was taken out . 1 year later when i went to do my taxes they said they were going to keep my refund and when i asked they said for unpaid student loans. when i called they said they only recieved the 4000 check and not the 3000. my bank says they took both and can prove it when i called cibc to tell them this they said they merely act as a middle man handing off the money to the govt and arent responsible after it leaves their branch i spent over a year tracking it down with the help of my bank. still...... nothing. i called a laywer and he said going to court with banks are very tough and that i should cut my losses but will take the case if i want, me being young and stupid never went through with it if i had my time back i would have they robbed 3000 from me and didnt even try to help in the least little bit when i approached them with a problem......banks eh!!
$3000 is a different story. I would have fought this one for sure. Even if I walked into a lawyers office and told him if he takes the case and wins he could keep the full $3000 and any damages, if he loses its pro bono....justice was probably possible and is far better then walking away. Hind sight is always 20/20 though right.

Last edited by reefermadness; 08-06-2010 at 04:55 PM.
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