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Old 08-06-2010, 05:01 AM
Seth72 Seth72 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: edmonton
Posts: 31
Seth72 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
haha, well all the stupid ones.. I agree. I curse other campers on the roads and I curse idiot truck drivers who shouldn't be on the road, especialy the drag racing trucks going up the kamloops hill. the truck in the right lane is going 30kmph and the truck in the left lane is going 35kmph. and trafic is backed up 5 miles. thats why I make sure I can tow up a grade 8 at or above the speed limit. I don't want to be one of thoes

I drove up that hill for three years straight,used to do edmonton to vancouver,i miss the scenery,but not the stress....some times at night the road would be so bad...the snow as you come into snow shed would be higher than my rig and it would be like going into a tunnel to stop at the bathrooms on top.

But yeah i used to love seeing the campers all burned up or broke down in the summer because some guy was trying to make it up the hill pulling a 20 foot trialer with a little car or some such thing. I know thats mean,but a guy gets bored,

I now go from edmonton to dawson creek,not as pretty,but faster and less stress.More money too.

I hear you guys now allow rockies (53 foot and pup,extended length) in the summer,I cant believe someone doesnt complain,they have no place on the coch.
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