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Old 07-12-2010, 07:53 PM
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Originally Posted by snow1 View Post
Update July 12th/2010

So here is an update of what the tank is at now. The tested the big three yesterday and things seem to be under control. The skimmer on the tank I found out is to small, I knew this in the back of my mind b/c comparing it to other skimmers for 200g this one seemed small. It's the skimmer Vertex IN-80 In-Sump Protein Skimmer. I'll be getting a bigger one by the end of the month, it will be okay for now since its just cycleing and no fish will be going in it for awhile. The live rock will be going in a few days, it's still doing well in the buckets outside, they are heated and have powerheads in them. I will put it in after I get some live sand for the tank from a member hopefully in the next few days or so. The substrate that came with the tank is okay but there is not enough...that is still in the bucket also. Anyways here is the video of the tank and sump area, if you see anything out of place let me know b/c this is kinda going by trial or error.

If you're getting a bigger skimmer anyway I would suggest sooner rather than later. There will probably be a certain amount of die-off when cycling a new tank and skimming is important during this time.
225g reef
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