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Old 06-28-2010, 12:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Llamarama View Post
This might be a bit of a noob question but having dealt with only FW i'm not sure what the difference is.
We put together a 25Gal tank filled it with sand and SW and added about 20 LBS of cured live rock to start with and get the cycle going....
It's been 3 weeks and ammonia is reading 0 but nitrite is 5ppm + and nitrate is 0
Could there be some reason the bacteria turning nitrite to nitrate is not growing? is there a way to speed it up?
Patience. You are almost there.
You do not have to add more sand or rock at this time and you will not risk a re cycle.
Remember wait a month after the cycle to add your first fish and add one fish each month unless they are tiny.
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