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Old 06-22-2010, 08:21 PM
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4lti7ude 4lti7ude is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 133
4lti7ude is on a distinguished road

Thats alot of fish for such a small tank first of all.

How long have you had this setup?
It might be crazy cycling cause of the huge bio load in the tank.
Sounds like you could be feeding to much...
When your feeding it looks like everything is eaten but debris of food is still floating around which a protein skimmer will catch. Without this the food will just kinda keep cerculationg without being extracted from the water.

The LED lights might be over kill for such a small tank. What hours are you running your lights at?

With this much livestock id suggest a protein skimmer.
If you dont want to go this way then shoot off debris with your turkey baster. If you have any dead spots in your tank get another power head to liven it up.

Annnnd if your running a sump then you can try reverse lighting and throwing some cheato in that thing to control PHs at night. (I dont know if this will affect algae growth so much, but ill be alot better for your tank.

4lti7ude's 20Gallon Nano Tank
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