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Old 06-20-2010, 05:05 AM
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blacknife blacknife is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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blacknife is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by kien View Post
this thread seems to have fizzled out. It was a good read over my lunch hour. Can't remember now how I stumbled upon it..

Got my first fresh water tank back in High School when I tagged along with a friend to a place called Hole-In-The-Wall in Calgary. Anyone else remember that place??

I got my first tank from Gr 7 science.. one of the labs was to bring in a container/jar. and they gave us a little plant, a guppy, and a snail and locked them in for a weekend, and amazingly everyone's fish were still alive. my first upgrade was a 10g from a garage sale which im sure i then overstocked.. but everyone did fairly ok. always believed in heavily planted tanks. there were stores in the mall but regularly, i would get my parents to take me to hole in the wall, or i would ride my bike there.. sometimes in winter, -25 to go get something for my fish. I always liked the salt section but could not afford it, had fw tanks straight though till i broke up with my ex and left my 90g there.

after i bought this house i looked at all the left over fish stuff i had read the internet a bit.. had some spare money.. got some diy pc lights a skimmer and some rocks.. and now I'm here
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