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Old 06-19-2010, 04:34 AM
liz_au liz_au is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Edmonton, Ab
Posts: 23
liz_au is on a distinguished road

Looks like I kicked an ant hill here, but glad to see my point is shared.
Ken is 100% correct, the awe struck customers are the easy ones to help, its the 'its just a fish, if it dies, i can just buy another one. I don't need those lights, its near a window. I don't need a filter its just 5 goldfish my friend had them in a bowl and they lived over a month, thats ages!' ones that make me want to bash my head against a wall.
I lived in 2 parts of Australia when I was there Muck, Queensland - Airlie beach, and Victoria - Melbourne. Highly recommend Queensland, not so much Victoria.
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