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Old 06-01-2010, 04:41 AM
Bloodasp Bloodasp is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Calgary
Posts: 337
Bloodasp is on a distinguished road

I would agree. Somehow after much thought about this thing pest algaes are far more resilient than your precious coral and would live through a blackout no matter how long it might be. All that would happen is they would stop growing when the lights are off and just grow in significant amounts once the lights are on.

As far as blacking out lights though. I would think corals are capable of surviving for quite a significant amount of time. I've lives in the tropics for a significant amount of time and during typhoon season it is not uncommon to have typhoons that last as long if not longer than a week at a time without the sun peeking out even once 20+ times a year. And if it wasn't for human intervention this coral reefs would still be thriving.
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