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Old 05-16-2010, 09:35 PM
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Stones Stones is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan
Posts: 401
Stones is on a distinguished road

So I had the past 24 hours off work and made a bit more progress on the build. First, here's a close up of the substrate I used after the water cleared up.

Once the water cleared and I got the substrate pseudo-level, I started with the rock work.

That 1/2" barbed fitting jammed in the rock is only temporary. Once the epoxy cures, I'll remove it however I may need to jam a small piece of live rock rubble in that space to help support the flat piece of rock on top of the structure.

I still have about 300 lbs of actual live rock to put into the new tank as well however about 200 lbs of that is still in my running 90 gallon tank. Hoping to get the aquascaping all finished up later this week when I'm finished this stint at work.
Do or do not....there is no try.
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