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Old 04-24-2010, 05:18 AM
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zum14 zum14 is offline
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Default Can I get a Snowflake Moray Eel?

So I have a 46Gal tank... Realistically I will be upgraded to a larger tank in one years time ( everyone always says ill be upgradeing soon but i try to avoid that ) I only have a Bengaii, (few crabs and shrimps I have im going to be removing soon due to coral damage/eating issues). There is lots of tunnels and crevis's in the live rock. I wont do it if its a bad idea ( I dont have a mandarin or emperor angel as I know it wont work for various reasons ) . Ive waited this long I can wait longer if I have to. I just find it hard to decide from fish care profiles and would like to hear personal experiance. Growth rates and such. Thanks for the opinions.
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