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Old 04-23-2010, 02:08 PM
rayjay rayjay is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: London, Ontario
Posts: 340
rayjay is on a distinguished road

Well, I know some about seahorses, more than some and less than many others on the "org".
I have been a member on the for about 8 years but only actually keeping seahorses for a little under 5 years.
zenafish has as much knowledge or more than I do, but our experiences have been different so you would see some variation in our advice. However, a lot of basics would be the same from zenafish or from me.
I have had various problems trying to succeed with horses in reefing type situations and because of that, it has tempered the way I now keep my seahorses.
I have no dwarf experience as of yet but zenafish has tons of experience with them.
At the moment I have 25 seahorses with 16 more on order from BWA.
I will also get dwarfs if BWA brings them in.
Bred by Seahorse Sanctuary in Australia, I have a pair of angustus, barbs and reidi.
I also have 14 reidi left of ones I've raised from birth from fry donated by Ryan at Big Als. The rest have sold to fund my new purchases.
I have 3 erectus and 2 comes left out of 5 and 3 respectively, with the losses happening during deworming process necessary when you don't know for sure that they are true captive bred.
I have on order, 8 reidi and 8 erectus from BWA.
As for cleaner wrasses AND cleaner shrimp, I found both to pester the seahorses, some stressed to the point they quit eating so I removed them and never tried again.
I also tried perc clownfish and some seahorses were stressed while some were not so it's hit and miss.
I've also seen reports on about clowns picking on seahorses once they got older, and had to be removed.
I have also seen reports on the org where clowns were never a problem.
As I see it, if there is a possibility of something stressing my horses, I won't put them in with my horses as seahorses mean too much to me.
If I want something bad enough to keep anyway, I'll put it in one of my reef tanks, or if not compatible, I'll set up a new tank for whatever it is I want bad enough.
Any advice I may give to anyone is based on MY experiences plus knowledge gained from many years of reading posts on the site.
That doesn't mean I'm always correct and it doesn't mean my ways are best.
It's always best to consider the varied opinions of experienced seahorse keepers and until you gain a lot of experience yourself, go with what the majority of those experienced keepers recommend.
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