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Old 04-12-2010, 01:50 AM
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zum14 zum14 is offline
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Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
Like globaldesigns was pointing out Red Coral in Calgary makes aquariums so they would be worth investigating. I've never heard anything negative about them. If all you want is a standard 180gal with a basic overflow you might want to consider a Marineland tank as well. I dont know who has the best price for them but the craftsmanship looks nice from what I have seen and a lot of retailers carry them.

Does the tank have to be new? There are always a lot of people shutting down and selling off everything in the for sale section of this site as well as in our local Bargain Finder.
Absolutly not, Im looking for a 180 with overflows because after listing the freshwater tank i changed my mind and i just couldnt go through with it, i want them to go in the fish room and i want to get a nicer tank. The tank they're in now is fine but one its a major pain moving a tank when you need to use the same tank on the other side and two it would be nice to upgrade them a bit and use the 125 as a freshwater sump for the heaters and such. (i will never own another tank without a sump now that i have seen the light) I have a marineland tank 46Gal and it is very nice (tempered so not sure about the bigger ones) but im not a huge fan as its a bowfront and its kinda distorted when you look, not huge but you notice it moving a bit, plus its just me but now that ive owned one im not a huge fan of bowfronts.(lighting and cleaning the curved glass but thats just my excuse i think) You dont know who sells them round here do you? The bargain finder is ok but you have to be patient. Im always cruising the sale ads for tanks too. The more i read up about all this it might just be easier to go that route but new is just quicker thats all. Sometimes i need to sit back and relax instead of jumping the gun and spending lots of money.

Originally Posted by Eb0la11 View Post
Got my 165G DT and 60G sump made at Bow Valley and love the quality of both. Perhaps theyve cleaned up their image as both my purchases were in the last 6 months.
It is quite possible but its still a gamble for me. Theres a reason i dont go to casinos. haha. People always tell me that im a pessimist and stuff but i remember when i first met my now brother in law and he was all "no it cant be that bad" and " oh come on now" and if you ask him now its closer to " no you really dont have any ******* luck" haha. i laugh about it. So i take the safe routes.

Last edited by zum14; 04-12-2010 at 03:24 AM. Reason: add something
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