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Old 04-11-2010, 03:41 PM
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Aquatic Addictions Aquatic Addictions is offline
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
Well Dan I was a very happy and loyal customer and I appreciated the deals I got. First off I paid you $500 with full warranty for the unit so thats a lie. You said it was the best on the market and I could have it before the Jan release date as it was Dec. As for not being exactly the same well that is the truth. I emailed the manufacturer and proline with pics and they both said "thats not our RO unit and NO WARRANTY". I was not surprised as the labels are attached with scotch tape. I guess it's my fault for doing business over the telephone when you actually trust the person on the other line. What ****ed me off is when I read a posting of yours stating how happy you are with the same unit that I am "supposed" to have. While mine has not been up to standards. As for the crook comment, well I'll take that back as I said I enjoyed doing other deals with you and Nikki. Maybe it was your supplier who lied but either way, you should'nt have sent it out like that and I figured that you should have fixed the situation.

I can guarantee you never paid 500 for the unit. Your bill that day was more as it was not the only piece of equipment you bought along with some livestock. The unit you recieved is what the Vertex were based on and almost identical. The labels were on that way to show where they were going to be placed when in production. The only thing you have discussed with me as "up to standards" is your display shows 50PPM all the time..nothing else meaning the unit is still functioning how it should and creating R.O water for you in the capacity it should. I also remember giving you another membrane at no charge to see if that would help the display and reset it. When that didnt work as I have said many times I will get you a new display unit. The only thing that display unit is doing wrong is telling you it is 50PPM when we both know its not due to having a new membrane. Why this same discussion has moved onto my post rather than in Pm's is beyond me but I guess you feel you had to make something public for this to be fixed? I have already told you I work all week and my supplier is not open before or after I am off work. I have been trying to get an associate to get there but they have had their own issues. Patience is a virtue and unless the unit is not making water as I told you it would then maybe we could have some.

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