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Old 04-11-2010, 03:41 AM
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lobsterboy lobsterboy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 965
lobsterboy is on a distinguished road

well its been awhile eh. hehehe.

I was at Teatro today to put in some new corals, waving hand and a seafan.

and I finally took some pictures.

The tank is running good, there is abit of diatom bloom still kickin, I am guessing its the feedings, as I just found out the other day that someone had been feeding the tank other than myself.

There was a great turn out from my previous LF softies post,

thanks to all who contriubted.

Keith, Scott, Jeff, Shawn, Cory, Tai, Garry and Sean sorry if i left anyone else out.

lots of work still, lighting of the tank isnt the best, and an upgrade of the lighting would be on top of my list of things to get, besides a list of 20 other things, haha.,

so here are the pics, the tank was started in feb. feel free to comment.

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