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Old 04-05-2010, 08:17 PM
hillbillyreefer hillbillyreefer is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Central, AB
Posts: 471
hillbillyreefer is on a distinguished road

I fail to see where I bashed the Chinese in anyway. It was one of their vessels so I guess I`ll assign some blame there. The last sentence in my post is a shot at the rest of the world. I guess I could blame Australia for putting the reef there but that`s a bit on the ridiculous side.

I said this spill isn`t a huge deal. It could be a devastating on a small area of the reef, but in total area it will be small. It also says in the article clean up equipment will be there soon, further mitigating the spills damage. Then I gave a study on how much natural oil flows into the oceans to compare the spill to. You came back with emotional hand wringing.

If you don`t like democracy you can always leave. That is one of the nice things about it freedom. Even though our freedoms are eroded a bit more every day by people who like control, not democracy. Hhhmmm, kinda like China. Yes that was a shot at their political system. Their citizens will have to work on creating a China they prefer, who knows maybe it is the system they currently live under. I wouldn`t want to live there is all I`m saying.

I`ve never completley derailed a thread in one post, there`s a first for everything.
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