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Old 03-21-2010, 07:49 AM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Calgary
Posts: 546
midgetwaiter is on a distinguished road

While tongs certainly work I actually found that a bamboo skewer or something similar made it a little easier to feed. You can still get the good wiggle action but it is easier for the fish to pull the prey off of the stick. My acrylic invisi stick is my best friend.

Originally Posted by bowkry View Post
I also feed mine gold fish (I know its not the best but they are cheap) Starve him for a week then put in a bright gold fish and you will see him eat.
I don't want to offend or anything but that's not just bad it's horrible, your fish is going to develop serious problems over time. google lionfish + liver problems

Mollies are the best food I've found for my predators when it has been necessary to use live food. They don't have the fat profile like goldfish so you avoid that problem and given 30 minutes or so of acclimation that adapt to living in SW quite well. This transition also eliminates any parasite issues. Feed with some NLS or something just before you give them to the frog fish. Actually it's good practice to pop a couple of pellets into silversides before you feed as well if you eventually get the frozen working. Don't be shy about making him hungry, a healthy specimen should be able to handle a month without eating.
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