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Old 03-19-2010, 05:48 AM
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karazy karazy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: calgary
Posts: 813
karazy is on a distinguished road

it all depends on a few factors.

first off bare bottom would be way easier to clean which is a plus.
but you have to consider how much rock you are putting in the tank when you are dealing with frogfish.
the reason being if you are doing lots of rock then bare bottom is fine because the frogfish can just hide in all the rock and be perfectly camoflouged.
but if you are not doing alot of rock i would suggest a sandbed as it makes the frogfish feel more comfortable.
in my frogfish tank i just have one small island in the middle and then big clumps of amcro algae growing everywhere. what ive noticed is the frogfish likes to try to camofloughe by going to the edge of a rock, digging himself into the sand a little bit and then huddling next to the rock so that he looks just like the rock.

just my 2 cents
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