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Old 03-13-2010, 11:41 PM
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lobsterboy lobsterboy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 965
lobsterboy is on a distinguished road

so it has been awhile with this update, the restraunt has been packed these past weeks and a side project of recording a catch phrase for Tona Ohama's up coming album has kept me very busy. Teatro's tank is running well, and some soft corals have been added, much thanks to albertareefer (cory) 24storm(keith) and seamazter (garry) for their donations. I still want to add lots more kenya tree, and some leathers, as well, a phos RX will be at the top of my list for the next while.

The fish stock includes, 4 clowns, 2 yellow tangs, lawn mower goby, and a sand sifter seastar.

its just one pic as the glass wasnt cleaned before taking the pic.

thanks for looking.

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