Thread: diy overflow
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Old 03-08-2010, 07:13 PM
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Steve_the_nucks_fan Steve_the_nucks_fan is offline
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Ok well I don't want to run a pump for my overflow.
The pipe going down to my sump needs to be that long or it won't reach.
I primed it by filleing it with water and with suction niether worked.
It doesn't make any sense every other overflow I've seen on you tube works mint and for some reason mying won't. I'm just so confused this is my first overflow and I did it because I heard it was easy. Which it's not turnin out to be that way. Lol.
GO CANUCKS GO. Woooooooooo!!!
[color=red]14gal oceanic biocube.
so far i have, 1-maroon clown, 1-dark orange clown, 1-domino damsel, 1-green chromis, 4-red scarlett hermit crabs, 2-blue legged hermit crabs, 3-margarits snails.

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