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Old 03-05-2010, 02:43 AM
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banditpowdercoat banditpowdercoat is offline
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Default Tang's beating up new Foxface

Reena just told me that our new Foxface was in out coast to coast overflow, looking dead. He wasnt, got him back into main tank and now the Regal tank is chasing him all over.

Just been informed that he's not doing well. more like just floating around. Could the tangs be the reason I have lost all of the last 3 new fish I have gotten? I never see much bullying when I'm home, But lost 2 puffers and this foxface. All within a month of arrival. Last week, FOxface was eating with them all, seemed just fine. Parameters all are fine and there is 9 other fish in there. If somethign was off, would think the other would suffer too.

So, all in writing this, he's died and the others were attacking him. Sometimes I just want to sell it all, get closer each time I try a new fish too.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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