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Old 03-01-2010, 12:08 AM
schroeder schroeder is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Burnaby B.C.
Posts: 37
schroeder is on a distinguished road

I'm a DIY kind of guy. I build my own hardwood furniture, do my own acrylic fabrication, wire houshold ( and commercial ) electrical and do plumbing. I grew up with tools in my hands (got my first toolkit at 4 years old), built my first few computers, do all of my own car repairs, etc. etc.

SO... I was all intent on drilling my own tank, and I did all of the appropriate research, BUT, I got someone else to do it for me.

The reason? I needed 2 holes each, of 2 different sizes, so expected to pay $40 for 2 glass holesaws (cheap ones), but I was able to get James at Lions Gate Glass to drill the holes at $10 each...
(If you live around the Vancouver area this is a practical option)

BTW the LFS quoted $30 per hole vs. Lions Gate Glass at $10 per hole...
same cost as just buying cheap holesaws, professional glazier working with quality tools, lower risk.

No brainer

Last edited by schroeder; 03-01-2010 at 12:10 AM.
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