Thread: uv sterilizers
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Old 02-24-2010, 02:36 AM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
So if your 90 sps tank is doing well without a sterilizer then why are you running one on the other tank? I'm just curious :-). Seems like an added expense that you don't need to run? Again I'm not criticizing I'm
just curious! :-)
At one point I had a problem with ich, I had an adult Emperor Angel and a Bluethroat Trigger infected, I was prepared to throw anything I could think of at it to help them get rid of it, Cupramine in the QT, garlic, and of course the UV. I ended up losing the battle with ich and lost my two fish, I kept the UV running to help kill free floating parasites. I have never rid the tank of ich 100%, my Cleaner Wrasse keeps that in check, so obviously the UV doesn't completely rid the tank of parasites although I'm sure it helps. I couldn't run it fallow for a few months because I would need a very large QT which I don't have. The rest of the fish are good though. My other tank has never had ich, and until I run into it I don't see the need. As far as algae goes, I don't see any difference in the tank with vs the one without. I think high nutrients and lighting have the biggest impact on algae and introducing fish without quarantine is probably the biggest cause of ich, UV or not.
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