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Old 02-23-2010, 11:15 PM
freerider freerider is offline
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Location: Lethbridge
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freerider is on a distinguished road
Default lighting good enough for a nem?

hey everyone, Ive had a GBTA in my tank for about a week now, its in a 33 Gal, and for lighting i have 4X39 W T5 HO. the tank depth is 17". now the nem hasn't moved from the rock i placed him on.He isn't bleached by any means and still has a red/brown color, and under the actinics he his green,
Ive been reading all that i can find on these nems, and figure if it wasnt enough it would move farther up the rocks..
im being very paranoid, everything the nem does i search on the web to make sure its normal.
anyone with nem experience please chime in,
i direct fed the nem this morning and this evening when i came home form work its closed up alittle now , kinda under a rock. normal?
Thanks everone

oh and water params are all good
except calcium is alittle low,
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