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Old 02-04-2010, 01:00 AM
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I evaporate about 2g/day then water changes.

I try to remember to change the pre-filters about every 6 months. In the ~5 years been running the system I've only changed the membrane once.

From an old e-mail from Aqua-safe:
When to change the filters:
PRE FILTERS: We recommend changing the Pre filters every 6 or 12 months depending on use. If your average use is approx 2-3 gallons a day then you would change them every 12 months, if your average use is approx 5-6 gallons a day then you would change them every 6 months. or Adjust accordingly for a higher average use ie. for 300 gallons a month you would need to change the filters every 3 months.

POST FILTER: The Post Carbon Final filter for taste and odor only needs to be changed ever other time from the Pre filters.

DI FILTER (Maximus and Aquarium model only): If you have a DI filter (Refillable Clear Canister with DI Resin beads) you change it when the DI completely exhausts (changes color), how long it lasts varies from system to system depending on your use and TDS. If you have the older style white disposable DI filter you change it when the water starts tasting funny or the TDS goes up.
The 6oz DI canister lasts the average family approx 3-4 months.

RO MEMBRANE: The membrane generally lasts 2-5 years. We recommend manually flushing the membrane once a month along with changing the filters every 6-12 months to prolong the life of the membrane.
my tank
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