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Old 02-03-2010, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
I agree with Steve.

When the lights are out if there are tons of pods kicking around it is ok.
If there are not it is not OK: Than wait a while longer.

You can not buy a mandarin that is eating mysis. After you place a mandarin in your tank it is a matter of luck. A small percentage do. By far the majority don't and need the live food your sand and rock provide.

You can speed up the development of pods in your refugium by putting macro algae in and adding live pytoplankton with a slow flow.

Thanks for asking.
I have to mostly agree. However you can buy mandarin's that the LFS has trianed to eat mysis. This is not the norm and it is really rare but I have seen mandarins for sale in LFS that have been trained to eat mysis, just make sure you see the mandarin eat mysis at the store before you buy it or make sure you have a lot of pods available and a breeding ground for them to multiply in.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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