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Old 01-27-2010, 01:27 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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You don't need a sump but I do think you need some kind of surface skimming filtration to keep the tank clean. Could you install a simple auto top off system? If so you could install an overflow box without the drain hole in the tank. Then use a canister filter to move water from the overflow box into the tank. You could also run a HOB skimmer in a similar way and even keep your heaters hidden away. This way you're getting most of the benefits of a sump without a sump, the only other requirement is the ATO which will maintain the level in the overflow box, keeping things constant. This will also help you out later if you decide to drill the tank as you won't have to tear down the whole tank to do it, just simply drain the overflow box.
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