Thread: Raw Pet Food
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Old 01-21-2010, 03:16 PM
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Default Raw Pet Food

Hi! I feed both to my dogs, because of the cost of raw alone. Raw in a late afternoon and kibble(grain free) before bad time. Never mix two together.
You can find some links on my website.I been on this schedule for 5 years and my dogs don't have year infections anymore.(used to be chronic)
There eyes don't tear, coats are great and so on.

Old school vet freaking out - nothing new there.You probably will have to find a holistic vet, other wise everything happens to your dog or cat will be blamed on raw.
Dogs and cats diet is very much the same, just don't stick with same type of meat all the time. Many people forget it's a lot of different proteins out there, other then beef and chicken. Don't stress your self out for the raw not being a complete diet, as long as you have a variety over a week period, you are fine.

Good luck,
Natalia Koutsil
Larkspur Standard Poodles
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