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Old 01-21-2010, 01:48 PM
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StirCrazy StirCrazy is offline
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Originally Posted by MitchM View Post
I buy a small pork shoulder from a farmers market. The lowest I can get my barbecue down to is 250. If I could get it down to 200 I would cook it longer.
I'm a little wary of barbecuing too much (as in getting a full-on smoker) because I'm told that it can really attract bears around my area.

I used to do roasts and such on my BBQ with tinfoil wood packs. what I used to do was light one side on low, put a drip pan under the other side and put the roast over the drip pan. then I used one of thoes cheep ovin thermomitors beside the roast and proped my lid open with a rock so there was enough of a gap to drop my temp at the roast to 225.

first time I did a roast this way it was so good, it is the only way I am allowed to do them now. haha

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