Thread: 33g first tank
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Old 01-10-2010, 02:56 PM
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1337cr3w 1337cr3w is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Posts: 33
1337cr3w is on a distinguished road

so its been a few weeks, alot has changed first of all the anemone just decided to pack his things and move randomly he sat still for a month now hes moved into a hole in the rock and looks really neat.

I want to get an open brain but i want to make sure i dont kill it so i bought some zoas to try and keep alive and i'll work my way up to a brain.

and my lionfish is in the tank now and swimming around happy with the other fish, eating 1 ghost shrimp every other day. ill try to train him onto frozen foods soon.

and one more picture of the whole tank you call it fts??? i guess so.

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