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Old 01-05-2010, 02:26 AM
aatron aatron is offline
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Location: Banff, AB
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aatron is on a distinguished road
Default Orchid Dottyback Compatibility

I was curious if anyone has had experience in keeping an Orchid Dottyback in a community setting?

I'm starting the stocking process in a 130 gallon tank and have an Orchid Dottyback in another smaller aquarium that I would like out. My end goal is to have numerous gobies, firefish, tangs etc in the 130 ... I am well aware that the Dottyback's reputation is not necessarily compatible with those species.

I guess the best case scenario is that the prospective tank at 130 gallons should offer enough hiding places and territories to disperse any unwarranted aggression and I could put the dottyback in with the others without too much stress for the more peaceful inhabitants.

I was hoping somebody might have some personal experience to either support or reject that idea.

Thanks for any insight.
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