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Old 01-02-2010, 06:17 AM
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viperfish viperfish is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Dawson Creek
Posts: 684
viperfish is on a distinguished road

I have tried a few of the dwarf Angels, Coral Beauty, Bicolor, and Flame. For some strange reason I have the crappiest luck with them. My first large Angel was the Blue Angel, I originally had it in a 90 FOWLR and considering they get to be 18" I figured I would upgrade to a 180 to plan ahead (that was how I justified it with the Wife anyway, ha ha!). I did do the Clown Trigger thing, as far as I'm concerned they are the ultimate predator tank fish. There is nothing they won't eat including live rock, they have the nerve of a toothache, and they look like something taken out of a cartoon! I bought mine at J&L for $150, the flight was delayed, the water was very cold when I got it but it was still alive but barely. I managed to bring it around but about a week later it died. So much for the arrive alive thing. I would love to get another one sometime.
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